Opening hours:
Västra Trädgårdsgatan

Eva Dahlgren TAXI

March 25 — April 22, 2022


My pictures were born in the embrace of a piano.

There were no piano lessons included with the brown piece of mahogany furniture that my mother Birgit bought for my brother and myself towards the end of the 60s. As a result, the piano and I formed a very special relationship. Each day after school, I played the images that appeared in my mind. We lived in Lund at the time, and the fog and the storm and the rain and the low sun over the Lund plains on the other side of the road became strange chords and melodies through the white and black keys. The feeling of the day, in a 10-year-old girl’s body, turned into a picture that turned into a song.

Since then, the music in my head has always consisted of pictures. Music as short films. Stills. Colour. Black and white.

My love of photography was sparked by my father Jan’s camera, a Robot in a brown leather case. I loved it. Its weight. The mechanism. I took hundreds of snaps with it. Without film.

Then, I bought myself a Pentax, and learned how to make my own prints in the darkroom. How to wave your hand to block out the light. However, this never became a great passion of mine.

Snap! Gotcha!
Now, I can do what I want to you!
That’s the part I love.
A second of eternity becomes mine, and mine alone. If I’m in the right mood, and think about that a lot, it can feel dizzying.
A second, which becomes an image, which can in turn become 4 minutes of music. A song, which is then played on the radio in somebody else’s home, and turns into a completely different picture in somebody else’s mind.

So much goes on in a mind.

The title of this exhibition is TAXI. It began as a picture of the street lights at Klarastrandsleden, which eventually turned into a song about a woman in a taxi. The song was recorded, and is occasionally played in other people’s homes.

Then, more pictures followed. I couldn’t let go of the feeling that those pictures from the car gave me, or of that brief journey in somebody else’s car. So much goes on there. Inside my mind.

All these pictures have a sound. Some of them have entire melodies.

Inside my mind.
Can you hear them?
Inside yours?

Introduction to Eva Dahlgren, TAXI

  Text by Eva Dahlgren. March 16, 2022.